Friday, September 24, 2010

I have toooooooooo much to do this weekend. A four page paper and two tests! UGGHHH!

On a better note, it is suppose to be in the 70's all week next week. aaahhh, fall :)
This is my blog for today. Im getting better, yes? ;)

more later sweetie pies!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tell us the truth....don't scratch our itching ears.

Well, You could officially say that I'm the worst blogger ever since my last post was in June!!! Between starting a new job, moving into a new house, and starting a new school, I have not found the time to be completely dedicated to this blogging thing. However, I promise I will start updating more :)

You're probably wondering what in the world the title of this blog means. Let me explain...

Gregg Farrell, who is the Pastor of my church, just got back from Columbia this past Friday. His sermons are no doubt, always moving and always full of life, but yesterday his sermon brought tears to my eyes. I began to think yesterday how thankful I am for a Pastor who is so passionate and so intelligent. One of the things I admire most is that he speaks truth. Sometimes truth isn't always a "feel good" truth... sometimes it is a challenging truth, which is something I believe the world needs more of... especially when it comes to Christianity.

I was reading my devotion after all of this had run through my mind and wouldn't you know that it talked about the very same things that I had running through my mind.

Here is what I read. It is from Beth Moore's "Breaking Free, Day by Day" devotion book.

"A rebellious child prefers pleasant illustrations over truth. We crave messages that make us feel good. When we are living in rebellion, the last thing we want is to confront the Holy One of Israel.
So the apostle Paul was right in his warning to young Timothy. If we strongly prefer certain teachers and preachers over others, we are wise to ask why. If our basis is anything other than balanced biblical teaching, we could be in rebellion while occupying our pews every Sunday. Let's make sure we are not looking for people to scratch our itching ears and hide us from the truth."

"For the time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. they will reject the truth and chase after myths. But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you. " 2 Timothy 3-5

Let this encourage you all to migrate towards those who challenge your faith. Feeling good is great, and needed, but if we don't challenge ourselves in areas where we are just "comfortable"... we won't grow.

Have a fabulous Monday:)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Just a little update... :)

So am I already a bad blogger since it's been a week since my last post?? UGH. Don't hate me, (if you're even following me). Justin and I have been crazy busy commuting back and forth to Bowling Green. We are getting ready to move up in a few weeks and between looking at houses, going up for worship practice, and going up for church sunday mornings...I just haven't had the time to blog. I am:) .....I know you're all excited since I'm just SUCH an interesting individual. ha. I made myself laugh.

Today has been a clean,wash,cook kinda day. I made a YUMMY strawberry pudding that is cooling in the fridge as I type.
Justin has been working all morning. Work right now (until we move to BG) , consists of emailing, rehearsing songs, rehearsing songs.... and rehearsing songs. The life of a musician.
Dolly is the luckiest out of us all... she sleeps all day. Geez.... must be nice to be a dog. However, Im over the sleeping in all day thing. I KNOW, I KNOW... crazy right?? Not when you have had a whole summer of sleeping in. I feel like my life is being wasted away. I never thought I'd say this.... but I'm ready for a job.

In the meantime...I love doing crafty things so I'm trying to get that going. I want to learn to sew so I can expand my craftiness ;)
When I get some things made, I'll post pics:)

Have a fabulous day dearies!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Well, Im finally starting a blog. About time. Im on my iphone/laptop so much, I figured it would be easier to "journal" online, rather than journaling in my journal all the time.

I can't believe I just celebrated my one year anniversary. It is so true that time really does fly by. I feel like I'm at a good place. Im so happy in my marriage, and am really excited about some things that are changing in mine and Justin's lives. Overall, things are good..... and Im happy :)

Here are a few recent photos of whats been going on...

I got to go home and meet baby Ava (my friend Lori's baby) She is so precious and beautiful and I was sooo glad to get to go home and see her :) (btw...the dates on these pictures aren't right)

This is Dolly girl... always doing something funny. She decided the hop in my jacket hoody... so cute.

awww.... my sweet husband and myself... spending the majority of our anniversary day in the airport. Happy one year to us!